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The 8 Spheres of Oneness Attunement

Attune to the 8 Spheres of Oneness

for Total Health and Well-Being

What is the 8 Spheres of Oneness attunement?


This energetic attunement is intended to be a portal of healing and total-alignment with health, the truth of the holy light of oneness, your higher self, harmony and inner radiance.


The 8 Spheres align and clear the 8 layers of your being which include mental, emotional, physical, psychic, energetic, spiritual, ethereal, and creator/source. 



Here is a look into what the 8 Spheres of Oneness attunement looks like.

This does not replace the actual attunement itself.


What do each of the 8 Spheres involve?


  • MENTAL - Transforming and clearing anger, fear and doubt into clarity of mind.

  • EMOTIONAL - Align with love that will fuel your intentions and be a powerful attractor of your desire.

  • PHYSICAL - Once the mental and emotional bodies are clear and aligned, your physical body will balance and radiate.

  • PSYCHIC - With clear mind, emotion and body you are able to listen to and discern your intuition and inner knowing.

  • ENERGETIC - Tapping into intuition will allow you to sense and feel the subtle energies in your body and all around you.

  • SPIRITUAL - Taking your aligned sensing and inner knowing one step further to commune and connect with your higher self, your inner light-filled spirit.

  • ETHEREAL - Moving beyond the body, beyond the self, into the limitless ether of space and the unified field of one consciousness and awareness that connects us all.

  • CREATOR/SOURCE - Connect with the One Consciousness, the One Soul, the One Source that is within and without each of us. 

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